Elizabeth Evans RN, LMT • 509•264•3046 • voithoscst@gmail.com
Assistance for Health & Healing
~ Now with locations in Bozeman and Butte ~
CranioSacral Therapy
Neural Manipulation ~ Therapeutic Massage
Myofascial Release ~ Neuromuscular Therapy
Somatic and Emotional Processing
Health Consults
To book a Kambo session please call or text me at 509-264-3046
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About Kambo
What is Kambo?
The short description of kambo’s effects could be that it helps to balance body, mind, and spirit, and return them to homeostasis. It is the secretion of the Amazonian giant waxy tree frog, Phyllomedusa Bicolor. This secretion is composed of a plethora of peptides, which are short chain amino acids, the building blocks for proteins. These peptides are amazingly compatible with and able to be used by the human body. Some of the systems of the body which are able to benefit from these peptides are the cardiovascular and immune systems, the digestive system, the musculoskeletal system, and the nervous system. Kambo contains peptides with pain relieving abilities 4,000 times stronger than morphine, with the added benefit of being non-addictive, and it can be very helpful with anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
The application of Kambo involves creating blister points on the skin, opening what are called "gates," and applying the secretion on those blister points. After a few minutes the recipient will feel a flush, usually in the face first, but can be felt over the whole body. While this is happening one can usually feel their heart rate increase, and after about 5-10 minutes the flush will fade and be replaced by a feeling of a mild to moderate flu. Purging can happen in the form of vomiting, but also pooping, shaking, crying, and sweating. Some schools of kambo teach that vomiting must happen in order for a session to be effective, but this is highly inaccurate. The kambo is always removed after 20 minutes, if not sooner, and the symptoms subside in 5-10 minutes. After a session a recipient may feel drained, and electrolyte replacements or tea with honey will be given. In the following hours to several days, the effects will be noticed. These effects may include significant pain reduction, mental clarity and calm, decreased desire for substance use, and increased energy, strength, stamina, and overall well-being to name a few.
Here are the definite contraindications to receiving Kambo:
Major heart surgery including a coronary stent
Major heart issues including congestive heart failure (CHF)
Elhers-Danlos syndrome
Taking medication for low blood pressure
Have had a stroke
Have had a brain hemorrhage
Have an aneurysm or blood clot
Caution is also required with the following:
Taking sleeping pills or diet pills
Active drug or alcohol addiction
My Kambo practitioner training is through Tribal Detox. Their focus is safety first, and also the science and practical application of Kambo. Here is the Tribal Detox description of Kambo.